Hartwell healing

The Ceremonial Way: working with generosity and gratitude.

Start date - Saturday 24th October 2020

Annie Spencer will hold monthly days on zoom to give teachings around holding ceremony. The main sources for her teachings come from the First Peoples of the Americas. All have their place within a beautiful system of Medicine Wheels and so Annie will give beginning Medicine Wheel teachings.​

  • We will learn the basics of making ceremony: moving from intent, to creating a form, to holding the space, to closing everything down safely.
  • How to create, feed and work with altars; how to call in Spirit using the voice, the drum and rattle, or with offerings.
  • How to collect and look after sacred objects and feathers.
  • How to notice and interpret responses from Spirit through the natural world, through dreams, through ‘coincidence’.
  • You will be supported to hold ceremony round the Celtic festivals of the year: Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane and Lughnasad.
  • You will be expected to spend time on the land (in a garden or park is acceptable if you live in a city) and to explore and practice the teachings given, to keep a journal and to report back at the start of every session.

At present the duration of these teachings is open-ended. When the covid threat ends or diminishes enough, we may meet in person, we could spend some days together on the land. All changes will be negotiated.

ANNIE SPENCER, a ceremonialist and workshop leader with an Oxford MA and a diploma in Humanistic Psychology, has been running groups and trainings for over 30 years. Having been apprenticed in a North American tradition and studied Guatemalan Mayan teachings for over a decade, Annie weaves these with the traditions of this land. Her experience is broad: Annie sees people one to one, runs groups, holds vision quests , takes teenagers out on the land, has, for ten years, co- held an initiation programme and has published many articles. As a teacher, Annie opens pathways for others – illuminating their life’s journeys. Her primary interest is the renewal of ancient ceremonial forms for creating a path of beauty upon Grandmother Earth. Click on link for full bio Here .

Working with zoom has its own challenges. This is how we will plan the day at present.
1st session – 10:30.am -12:30
1 hour lunch break
2nd session- 1:30pm-3:30
3:30 – 4 break
3rd session – 4-5pm

Annie will see how this works for everyone and will adapt the schedule if necessary. The teachings are ongoing, with ceremonies and other practices for you to engage with between meetings. So it is definitely a commitment. But as you know covid-19 makes all future planning difficult. Annie would hope that in the near rather than the distant future, we would meet face to face and spend time on the land in ceremony. We don’t know how long it will be before the situation eases so would like to start the teachings now. Annie’s aim is for the teachings to be available for everyone. Fee – £65 a day. A commitment is required for a minimum of four sessions.

The dates for first four weeks.
Saturday 24 th October
Friday 27 th November
Saturday 9 th January
Friday 12 th February

​We are giving alternate weekend and weekday dates. If either one is difficult for you, please let us know.
To book and for further details, please contact Hayley Palmer @ healingoftheheart@yahoo.com

Walking in Balance

with Annie Spencer 9 - 13 May 2019

In these times of trouble and disturbance, it is more important than ever that we hold ourselves in balance: that we are not knocked into rage or despair; that we retain our physical strength; that we’re not confused by all the conflicting stories that are being told.
Come to Cornwall to camp and receive teachings in a traditional roundhouse. On this four-day workshop we will help you explore your own imbalances and find ways to heal them. We will spend part of each day out on the land to receive healing from the earth, and from the ocean.

Balancing Our Four Shields
Through Native American Medicine Wheel teachings, we will learn about our four shields and how we can bring them closer into balance. Through journeying we will discover our shields. And through drama we will explore their interactions. Then we will have the opportunity to spend a night out on the land, in ceremony, asking for guidance and healing. Each of us in our own space, alone with the land, the stars and with Spirit.

As always on Annie’s workshops, we will be immersed in ceremony and have the opportunity to spend a few days practicing gratitude as we remember our place in the natural order of all beings.​

Beautiful Cornish Lands
​The workshop will be held in Penwith in the far west of Cornwall, close to an iron age village and sacred sites, with the sea never far away.

Accommodation will be camping in your own tents, and there will be a converted barn for eating (it has a full cooker and a fridge) and hanging out. It has a hot shower and a toilet. We will build community by sharing food and cooking together. This workshop is suitable for the experienced and inexperienced alike.

Cost £370.  Some concessions available.
A non-returnable deposit of £100 reserves your place.
The full fee is due ten days before the start unless other arrangements have been agreed. 
To book and all enquiries please email Ellie: ceremonialconnection@gmail.com 
If you would like to talk to Annie about the content of the workshop, please phone 01225 312728.

Gateways to the Holy: Four day ceremonial training

Friday 11th May – Tuesday 15th May 2018
On a farm, Nr. Penzance Cornwall

with Annie Spencer assisted by Michelle Easton

Join us for a four-day ceremonial training in a thatched roundhouse on the wild lands of west Cornwall. We will be exploring ways in which we might empower ceremonies of our own. Many of the teachings are from the first peoples of the Americas who never lost their way, but they will be grounded in our land here; as we learn from other lands we begin to remember our connections to Spirit and these islands we call home.

The Importance of Ceremony
​In the old days people understood that ceremony was an important way to open ourselves to Spirit; to bring ourselves back into alignment with the great rhythms of life and death. Ceremony can be a gateway through which we make contact with other worlds. By making a ceremonial space of beauty, by working with objects that hold power, by singing calling songs and making prayers, we can invite the Holy into our world.
Through ceremony we can give gratitude for all the bounty of life and pray for healing and good fortune for ourselves and others. While anyone can make ceremony at any time, we can learn much from the experience of those who have gone before. Many of the teachings are from the first peoples of the Americas who never lost their way, but they will be grounded in our land here.

Ways to Speak with the Holy
We will find ways to deepen our understanding of and connection with the four elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water.

  • We will build altars and find ways to open and close them down.
  • We will consider how to make relationships with sacred objects, with feathers, with smudge and how to care for them.
  • We will work with drums, rattles and chant.
  • We will explore some Medicine Wheel teachings and find our beginning place on the Wheel.
  • We will start to build relationship with fire and with the sacred plant, tobacco.


​Each day we will spend some time out on the land and together we will hold ceremony in different ways, in different places. This may include a fire vigil one night in the roundhouse.

Led by Annie Spencer, assisted by Michelle Easton (Faculty Page)
Fees: £370
Bookings & enquiries contact Michelle on: 07990 758856 email: michelle.k.easton@gmail.com

Passage to Power: Reclaiming the Menopause
A ceremonial workshop with Annie Spencer
21- 22 January 2017, Glastonbury, Somerset

Two days for women in the prime of their lives to celebrate a major transition with ceremony and story

To all women comes the menopause at a time when we are in our prime. Many of us feel cut down. Others do our best to pretend it hasn’t happened. Imagine how it might be if we experienced the menopause as a ceremony, a testing time. If our battle with our fears and sometimes with symptoms and our victorious emergence marked us as ready to take over many important roles in our society: the teaching and initiation of the young; the continual guidance of all younger women; and the guidance and governance of our community.

The menopause is one of the greatest and least understood of women’s blood rites. We lose our fertility and let go of the dreams of life that have sustained us since adolescence. Is there a thread that will lead

us through a labyrinth of symptoms, misconceptions and fears to reclaim the spiritual initiation it holds for us?

We will work with Medicine Wheel teachings and consider women’s practices from Belize. We will make a bundle to honour our fertile years with all their joys and sorrows. We will work with the drum and with our dreams. We will attempt to

cast out our fears and claim our power; and we will create ceremony for ourselves to mark this passage.

Who is the Workshop for?
For women who are menopausal, post or pre-menopausal. This is a stage not always governed by age and we welcome younger women who experienced an earlier menopause. We seek to create a space where women of all ages and stages can come together and celebrate ourselves as women and honour those amongst us who have been or are transitioning through the sacred stage of menopause.

Led by Annie Spencer: See Faculty Page
Fee: £165 – Some concessions available.
To book please contact Cat: caterine@webjoy.co.uk

Opening to the Dreamtime

with Annie Spencer assisted by Ellie Rose

Imagine that our reality is cocooned within the folds of another reality like the clouds that soften the horizons around our physical earth. Imagine, for a minute, that this other reality can fill us with inspiration and strength, can offer us rest and revival from all the stresses of this everyday world.

It is to this reality that we send our longing in these days together. We will explore ways to open to it through altars, through calling a spirit guide in the form of a being from the animal kingdom, through deepening our relationship to the plant beings.

Altars are gateways, they are manifestations of other realities, they can hold our dreams and call in our destiny. In these days we will explore how to create them, bring them alive, feed them, close them down.

Animal guides take us into other realities, they protect us from harm and can lead us safely home again. We will call one to us, dance him or her into our bodies and discover ways to build a strong and loving relationship.

Even within the great, disturbed metropolis of London, there are trees, everywhere there are trees. These quiet majestic beings remind us of our roots in the other realities of this earth even while surrounded by the loud harsh confusion of city life. Through opening to their quiet strength, we will learn ways to keep ourselves open to all the nourishment that this dreamtime can give us and begin the exchange of gratitude and grief that allows the energies to flow.

ANNIE SPENCER, a ceremonialist and workshop leader with an Oxford MA and a diploma in Humanistic Psychology, has been running groups and trainings for over 30 years. Having been apprenticed in a North American tradition and then studied Guatemalan Mayan teachings for over a decade, Annie weaves these with the traditions of this land. Her experience is broad: Annie sees people one to one, runs groups, holds vision quests , takes teenagers out on the land, has, for ten years, co- held an initiation programme and has published many articles. As a teacher, Annie opens pathways for others – illuminating their life’s journeys. Her primary interest is the renewal of ancient ceremonial forms for creating a path of beauty upon Grandmother Earth. For full bio Here

ELLIE ROSE, Has completed a 5-year apprenticeship with Annie and studied with Martin Prechtel in New Mexico. With humility Ellie seeks to create ceremonies of beauty that resonate in the heart. In times of broken lineage, we are all shoots on old roots. Where our indigenous connections have been cut we seek a way to bring our self into good relationship with the Earth. Ellie’s passion is for creating healing ceremonies for the Earth and people and she is interested in crafts, storytelling and plant healing.

How to Book

Booking and all questions please email Ellie at ceremonialconnection@gmail.com
Cost: £165 some concessions available
Early Bird: £145 by September 7th

If required, you can receive a certificate of attendance for CPD.